Sunday, April 28, 2013

Apr. 29- May 3


23 more days of first grade!

A note from our FABULOUS Room Mother:
The fund-raising carnival will be held on Monday, May 13.  We are in need of 2 parent volunteers to help run the 'pin wheel pull' game in Mrs. Liston's room.  We need someone for the the 5-6:00 hour, and the 6-7:00 hour.  If you are able to help during one of those hours, I would really appreciate it!  Please email or call me -my phone number is 801-628-7787, and my email address  Also, if you are not receiving emails from me regarding class activities, and would like to be, please email me as well and I will add you to my email list.

One last thing, just a reminder...I'll be picking up parent donations for the gift baskets on Tuesday, the 30th.  Thank you for your donations!

A few other housekeeping items:
*By One Get One Free Book Fair this week in the library! Great time to stock up for Summer reading!
*Math Testing Apr. 29th-May 7th & May 10th.
*Field Trip to Thanksgiving Point on May 9th. Watch for permission slip early this week.
*Animal Reports information will be coming home this week. Presentations will begin in class on May 13th
*May 17th is our school Dance Festival. (Mark your calendars! It’s going to be a fun one!)

This week:

Math- Problem Solving
Chinese- No homework
English Homework-Reading- Reading days due Wednesday for April. Don’t forget our goal to hit 550 days read!

In class, we are learning:
Math- Double Digit Adding & Subtracting up to 100 (No regrouping)
Language Arts- Retelling a story, Author’s Purpose (What does the author want us to learn in this story?), Connections, Trouble Shooting a Word (Review of year)
Writing- Informational Writing (summary of facts)
Phonics- Plural Endings, adding s and es
Chinese- Review
Social/Science study- Earth Day & Rock, Soil, and Water

Spelling words:
Blue: boy, follow, came, want, nurse, curve, turn, burn, true, false
Yellow: Papers, peaches, lunches, treats, bunches, glasses, foxes, dishes, true, false
Red: fastest, faster, loudest, louder, brightest, brighter, biggest, bigger, true, false

Miss BreAnn Wayman & Mrs. Rebecca Liston

Saturday, April 13, 2013

April 15-19


What an awesome field trip! We enjoyed learning what happens behind a production at Hale Center Theater, and seeing where the stars hang out! We also enjoyed a “picnic” at the park. Check out the blog for pictures!

This week is safety week. Please allow your child to bring a scooter or bike and a helmet on Friday to participate in our school Bike Rodeo where students will practice bike safety. 

I will be sending out a survey this week. This will help us make changes for next year, and pass on information to second grade of things you have found useful.
A HUGE thank you for the donations for our Chinese Dragon so far! It’s quite the project, and we wouldn’t be able to do it without your help! We will be putting it together in art next week, and are looking for parents who may want to come in and help. We also need one more parent to help cut and/or sew at home. Please let know if you are available to help.

Listed below are a few more items we are looking for to help. If you have any, please send them our way.
-A few more fabric scraps, only in greens, yellows, oranges, reds or golds color.
-Tacky glue (even if it’s half a bottle)
-Gold Spray Paint

Mark your calendars:
April 19: Bike Rodeo
May 8,10: Math Testing 
May 9: Field Trip to Thanksgiving Point Gardens
May 17: Dance Festival
May 22: Field Day
May 30: Last Day of School

This week:

Math- Nickel, Penny and Dime
Chinese-Reading- How much? Lesson 20
Chinese-Writing- Page 15-16
English Homework-Reading- Did you know collectively each class reads about 400 days a month? That’s an average of 14 days of reading for each student. Let’s see if we can hit 550 days for April!!! (Reading days can be sent to me in an email at the end of the month.)

In class, we are learning:
Math- Money (quarter, dime, nickel, penny)
Language Arts- Retelling a story, Author’s Purpose (What does the author want us to learn in this story?), Connections, Trouble Shooting a Word (Review of year)
Writing- Summaries, Informational writing on a given topic
Phonics- Contractions with ‘ll, R controlled vowels (ur, er, ir)
Chinese- Review
Social/Science study- Economic choices

Spelling words:
Blue: there, their, know, no, see, sea, blue, blew, to
Yellow: girl, first, shirt, nurse, after, I’ll, I’m, it’s, she’ll, he’s
Red: soft, lift, gift, left, raft, swift, drift, loft, fiction, non-fiction

Miss BreAnn Wayman & Mrs. Rebecca Liston

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Chinese Lesson #20 - How much $

We have been working on the vocab from lesson 20 for 2 weeks and will continue to do so throughout this week and next. A hard copy of this lesson will be included in homework folders this Friday.

Character Pin Yin English Translation
kuai measure word for some objects
tai too
gui expensive
可以 ke yi OK, all right.
mai to sell
gei to give
ba indicating a suggestion or rhetorical question
不客气 bu ke qi you are welcome; don't mention it
Sentence Practice Pin Yin English Translation
你要买什么? Ni yao mai shen me? What do you want to buy?
你要学什么? Ni yao xue shen me? What do you want to learn?
我要买车 Wo yao mai che. I want to buy a car
我要学中文 Wo yao xue zhong wen.  I want to study Chinese.
你要不要买书? Ni yao bu yao mai shu? Do you want to buy books?
我不要买书 Wo bu yao mai shu I don't want to buy books
我要买铅笔 Wo yao mai qian bi I want to buy pencils
你要不要去? Ni yao bu yao qu? Do you wan to go there?
我今天不去 Wo jin tian bu qu I don't want to go today,
我想明天去 Wo xiang ming tian qu I want to go tomorrow.
我可以去吗? Wo ke yi qu ma? Can I go there?
你不可以去,你太小了 Ni bu ke yi qu, ni tai xiao le You cannot go, you are too young.
他可不可以去? Ta ke bu ke yi qu? Can he go there?
他不可以去,他太老了 Ta bu ke yi qu, ta tai lao le. He cannot go, he is too old.
这本书多少钱? Zhe ben shu duo shao qian? How much is this book?
这本书二十块钱 Zhe ben shu er shi kuai qian? This book is $20.00
这条裙子多少钱? Zhe tiao qun zi duo shao qian? How much is this skirt?
这条裙子五十五块钱 Zhe tiao qun zi wu shi wu kuai qian. The skirt is $50
这条裙子太长了 Zhe tiao qun zi tai chang le This skirt is too long!
这本书太贵了 Zhe ben shu tai gui le This book is too expensive!

Friday, April 5, 2013

April 8-12


Wow! Words cannot express the appreciation Mrs. Liston and I feel for the love that was shown to us over the past week. Thank you for your kind words, flowers, gifts, and gift card! We truly love our students and their parents too. We feel we are the luckiest teachers in the school.

We have a field trip to Hale Center Theater this Friday, April 12th. All students are encouraged to buy school lunch. If you would like your child to bring his/her own lunch, please let me know ASAP. We will be leaving the school at 9:05 am and will return by 2:00 pm. We are in need of 2 chaperones for each class, if you would like to go, please let me know via email. First come, first serve. Watch for permission slips to come home Monday.

Spell-a-thon Fundraiser Envelopes are due Monday (if you are participating).

We are still in need for some items to make our Chinese Dragon. If you have anything you would like to donate, please send them to school by Friday, April 12th. This is what we hope the finished product to look like:

Also, we are in need of a few parents who can help at home to make the props needed for our dance. If you may be able to help, please email Laurie Payne at

Fabric scraps: (any size, 4" x3" at smallest-so check your leftover quilt scraps)
Bright, bold colors
Shiny fabric
Patterns on fabric ok
Medium lengths of fabric
Any long lengths of fabric (for body)

TRIM and bits of BLING:
Absolutely anything bright colored, glitzy, sparkly, shiny fringy, furry, hairy, jingly

pvc pipe, 3way pvc joints
Chicken wire
Newspaper (for papier mache)
Canning lids (rings and centers)
Hot glue gun glue sticks
Acryllic paint-red green yellow white, gold, silver, black
Spray paint-red, gold, silver green

This week:

Math- One more, one less; Ten more, ten less
English Homework-Reading- Continue reading for 20 minutes every night, please mark March reading days in reading folder.

In class, we are learning:
Math- Money (quarter, dime, nickel, penny)
Language Arts- Retelling a story, Author’s Purpose (What does the author want us to learn in this story?)
Writing- Quotation marks, adding detail
Phonics- Compound Words
Chinese- Lesson 20, How much?
Social/Science study- Economic choices

Spelling Words:

Blue: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Yellow: sometime, someone, anyone, anything, something, inside, become, birthday, without
Red: graph, laugh, enough, cough, rough, tough, photo, graph, photograph, phone

Miss BreAnn Wayman & Mrs. Rebecca Liston