Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Dance Festival Video



Sunday, May 12, 2013

Rest of Year Activities


13 more days of first grade!

***Please click on the link below to fill out a short survey about enrollment for next year. (This will only take about one minute.)


**Here is a list of what will be happening through the rest of the year. Please help your child be prepared for each of the following activities:

Friday, May 17th: Dance Festival
            Costume for boys: Black shirt and dark pants/shorts
            Costume for girls: White shirt and dark pants/shorts/skirt (if choosing to wear a skirt, please wear shorts or leggings under)

Thursday, May 22nd: Field Day
            Students need to come wearing sneakers. Please no sandals or flip-flops. Students may also choose to wear sunscreen or hats.

Friday, May 24th:
            We will be cleaning out desks. Students will need a backpack because they will have a lot to carry home.

Monday, May 27th: Memorial Day, No School

Tuesday, May 29th: Cleaning Day/Board Games
            We will be scrubbing desks and chairs. We ask that your child bring a rag to use.
After all the cleaning is done, we will have a “Board Game Afternoon”. Please send your child with a game (labeled with your family name), they know how to play and can share with friends.
Both items will be brought home that evening.

Wednesday, May 30th: Readathon
            Due to the classroom being cleaned for the summer, we are asking that you send your child with books. Please make sure all books are clearly labeled with family name. (We will have a few books in the class they can read as well.) They are also encouraged to bring a pillow.

Thursday, May 31st: Last Day!
            School will begin at 8:45, and will end at 10:15. Reports card will be distributed this day.

***Here are some Math and Chinese practicing websites for children:
Free math practicing websites                        Chinese practicing website ($$)
www.Kidsnumbers.com                        www.betterchinese.com (find “online learning”)

math practicing ($$)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

May 6-10


18 more days of first grade!

If you are interested in hosting students from China this summer, please visitwww.ilp.org/hostfamily for more information.
There is a Utah Mandarin Immersion Parents Council. If you are interested in getting more information you can visit http://utahimmersioncouncil.wordpress.com. 
If you are interested in serving on this council, please contact John Hilton at johnhiltoniii@byu.edu

A few housekeeping items:
*Math Testing Apr. 29th-May 7th & May 10th.
*Field Trip to Thanksgiving Point on Thursday, May 9th. Permission slips due by Tuesday.  
*Animal Reports information will be coming home this week. Presentations will begin in class on May 13th
*May 17th at 2:00 is our school Dance Festival. (Mark your calendars! It’s going to be a fun one!)
*May 29th is First Grade’s Read-a-thon. Students can bring pillows, books, and treats.

This week:

Math- Adding two-digit numbers
Chinese- Lesson 5-1
English Homework-Reading- Read 20 minutes nightly
English Homework- Animal reports

In class, we are learning:
Math- Double Digit Adding & Subtracting up to 100
Language Arts- Review
Writing- Review
Phonics- Review
Chinese- Review
Social/Science study- Animal

Spelling words:
Blue: here, germ, clerk, nerve, serve, fern, because, before, become, between
Yellow: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Red: thankful, cheerful, hopeful, grateful, thoughtful, useful, painful, careful, helpful

Miss BreAnn Wayman & Mrs. Rebecca Liston