Monday, April 28, 2014

Weekly Email 4/28-5/2




Information about the animal reports came home late last week. The information is also attached to this email (except your child's specific animal, date and time). We will continue to write our reports this week in class and will begin presentations next Monday.


Don't forget to check the blog for pictures from the field trip. Because of your donations at the beginning of the year, we were able to go! Thank you! Check out the instagram profile for our class @AEChineseImmersion.


A note from Mrs. Liston,

Dear Parents,


Thank you for all of your support this year. I appreciate everything you have done for us to help us have a great school year.  I am very glad to see the student improve with their Chinese skills.  Please continue to help the students practice Chinese at home by using the Better Chinese online program or flash cards.



Math- Chapter 9 Geometry (3 sheets)

Chinese- Reviewing lesson 1-17, lesson 20 reading

Reading- Get prepared for summer reading. You can order books online at with our class code, GZMQ7. Continue to read 20+ minutes every night. First graders should be able to read for 15 minutes without encouragement to continue.


 In class this week, we are going to learn:

Math- Chapter 9 Geometry

Chinese- Lesson 20 How much?

Science & Social Study- Rock, Soil, and Water

Writing- animal reports (informational writing and presentation)

Reading-  Speed of Reading

Phonics- Homophones (words that sound the same, but are spelled differently)

Spelling Words: there, their, know, no, see, sea, blue, blew, to, two


Miss BreAnn Wayman


Sunday, April 20, 2014

Apr 21-25




This week, the students will begin to work on an animal report at school. Watch for information about parts of this that will need to be done at home.


Reading tests will continue this week. Don't forget, reading is fun!!!


Don't forget to check the blog for pictures from the field trip. Because of your donations at the beginning of the year, we were able to go! Thank you! Check out the instagram profile for our class @AEChineseImmersion.


A note from Mrs. Liston,

Dear Parents,


Thank you to everybody who helped in the field trip and bike rodeo, the students had a fun time.

Please continue using the "My Math" online program to help your child study 2-D & 3-D shapes and the math vocabulary of geometry in English. The UserID is ASD(the student's ID number) ,and the Password is asd(the student's ID number) . You can find your child's student ID on the skyward. This is the example of logged in information- USERID: ASD9310000, PASSWORD: asd9310000. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you for your support.



Math- Chapter 8 time (3 sheets)

Chinese- Reviewing lesson 1-17

Reading- Get prepared for summer reading. You can order books online at with our class code, GZMQ7. Continue to read 20+ minutes every night. First graders should be able to read for 15 minutes without encouragement to continue.


 In class this week, we are going to learn:

Math- Chapter 9 Geometry-equal, fractions

Chinese- Lesson 20 How much?

Science & Social Study-Rock, Soil and Water

Writing- animal reports (informational writing and presentation)

Language Arts- Reading tests

Reading-  Review of retelling, connections, author's purpose, most important event in the story and why.

Phonics- Days of the weekSpelling Words: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Miss BreAnn Wayman

Alpine Elementary
First Grade

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Apr 14-18




We hope you had a wonderful Spring Break, and were able to enjoy the weather. We are excited to get back to work, and finish the year out strong!


Welcome Mr. Perdue!!!


Don’t forget our field trip is on Tuesday. We will leave as soon as school starts. Please arrive to school on time.


Reading tests will begin this week. Don’t forget, reading is fun!!!


A note from the Safety Committee: “Please note that on Wednesday mid-morning there will be 15 minutes during the lockdown drill that you will not be able to check in or out any student.  If this may affect you, please contact Mr. Perdue in advance and he can give you more details.  Friday will also be our Bike Rodeo so please have your students ride their bikes or scooters to school that day.  They will need to wear a helmet to participate in the bike rodeo at school so please remember to send them with a helmet.  It will be weather dependent so if it's raining or snowing the Bike Rodeo will be canceled. We look forward to a great week. Thank you for all your support.”          


Check out the instagram profile for our class @AEChineseImmersion.


A note from Mrs. Liston,

Dear Parents,


This last week in the math lessons, we started chapter 9 –geometry. You can use “My Math” online program to help your child study plane shapes and the math vocabulary of geometry in English. We sent home another online math program-the reflex math online program two weeks ago. This is another source to help your children practice online and improve their math skills. If you have any question, please let me know. Thank you for your support.



Math- No homework

Chinese- Reviewing lesson 1-17

Reading- Continue reading 20 minutes daily. Don’t forget, reading is fun!!!


 In class this week, we are going to learn:

Math- Chapter 9 Geometry-plane shapes

Chinese- Lesson 20 How much?

Science & Social Study-Sun & Moon

Writing- Informational writing, begin preparing for animal reports (watch for information next week).

Language Arts- Predictions

Reading-  Review of retelling, connections, author’s purpose, most important event in the story and why.

Phonics- Plural Endings s/es

Spelling Words: Papers, dresses, peaches, lunches, boxes, treats, bunches, glasses, foxes, dishes


Miss BreAnn Wayman