The blog is
once again updated with pictures! This time with fun Halloween times. J
Red Ribbon
Week is celebrated with many fun festivities.
Monday: Hot air balloon launch/Wear red day
Tuesday: Pajama day (school dress code still in place)
Wednesday: Crazy sock day
Thursday: Sports day
Friday: Crazy hat day
This week:
Chinese -Math- Using counters and numbers to
Chinese-Reading- I go to Dahua
Elementary School
Chinese-Writing- Volume 1, Workbook
A (page 8-9)
English-Reading- Thank you to those who
updated reading folders! These will be checked on Momday again. Please mark
days read. Students who read more than 20 days will receive a coupon to Maui
English-Spelling- Please work on
spelling words at home. Discuss the spelling pattern, and look for words that
are similar in reading. *In class, children work on spelling 2-3 days a week,
only the yellow groups words are discussed daily because it follows our phonics
study. This is why it is essential
you practice at home. Thank you!
In class, we are learning:
Math-Add & Subtract from 12
(distinguishing the + & - symbols)
Language Arts- syllables, plural & singular nouns, this, that, those
Writing- Narrative story (we get to illustrate these in art this week), opinion vs. fact
Phonics- Long o with silent e
Chinese- I love my family. Lesson 6
Social/Science study- Map skills/Change over time
Spelling Words:
Blue: (diagraphs wh & ch) March, who, when, where, why, what, lunch, much,
do, see
Yellow: (long o, with
silent e) his, my, mole, was, rode, hope, globe, hole, toe, said
Red: (th vs. sh) than, then, them with, bath, both, wish, dish, fish, cash
Miss BreAnn
Wayman & Mrs. Rebecca Liston