Monday, March 11, 2013

Chinese Lesson #17 - Pets

We are learing about household pets. During circle time Mrs. Liston will be asking the children what type, if any pets you have in your home, as well as if they are cute. Have them practice saying I have a... at home, or, I do not have any pets in my home (see sentences below).

 If the vocabulary word for your pet is not listed, encourage your child to ask us at school in chinese what the word is, e.g., lizard zhong wen zen ma shuo? {how do you say lizard in chinese?}

Lesson: 17
Character Pin Yin English Translation
可爱 ke ai lovely, cute
zhi measure word for some animals
niao bird
tiao measure word fo long, narrow objects
yu  fish
mao cat
gou dog
动物 dong wu pet, animal
有没有 you mei you to have or have not
没有 mei you to not have
Sentence Practice Pin Yin English Translation
你家有什么小动物? Ni jia you shen me xiao dong wu What kind of pets do you have?
我家有一只狗 Wo jia you yi zhi gou I have a dog
我家没有小动物 wo jia mei you xiao dong wu I don't have any pets
白大卫家有什么小动物? bai da wei jia you shen me xiao dong wu What kind of pets does Bai DaWei have?
他家有四只鸟和两条鱼 Ta jia you si zhi niao he liang tiao yu He has four birds and two fish
他家没有小动物 Ta jia mei you xiao dong wu He doesn't have pets
大中家有什么人? Da Zhong jia you shen me ren? Who is there in Dazhong's family?
他家有爸爸,妈妈,哥哥和弟弟 Ta jia you ba ba, ma ma, ge ge he di di There are his father, mother, elder brother and younger brother in his family
你家有没有鱼? Ni jia you mei you yu Do you have a fish?
我家有鱼,我家有三条鱼 Wo jia you yu, Wo jia you san tiao yu I have a fish, I have three fish
杜校长家有没有猫? Du xiao zhang jia you mei you mao Does Principal Su have a cat?
校长家没有猫 Xiao Zhang jia mei you mao The principal doesn't have a cat
有没有人在家? You mei you ren zai jia? Is anybody home?
没有人在家 Mei you ren zai jia. Nobody is home

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