Saturday, September 8, 2012

9/4 - 9/7

Greetings! First, let me introduce myself - I am Tucker's mother, Bianca Collings, and have been hired as Mrs. Liston's AM Aide. I am going to try and update this site every couple of days with the happenings in Chinese class. I will keep my posts brief, with the intention of helping parents understand what the children are learning in class.

This past week the children were introduced to the numbers from 1-100 in Chinese. They are also taking time each day to write the numbers in English from 51-80. At home, Mrs. Liston would like all parents to continue working with their children writing their numbers 1-100 in English. They participated in some fun activities using Chinese numbers including a small group game of BINGO. 

The children seem to thoroughly enjoy learning the characters. This past week we worked on Ni Hao (hello), and Jian (to see). They also started reading from the Chinese Readers and most can identify at least 5 phrases. 

I am so thrilled to have the opportunity to work with your children in this unique setting. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Bianca Collings
(801) 980-0361

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