Sunday, February 23, 2014

Feb 24-28




This week is Red Ribbon week. Below is a list of activities happening at school, and actions for your children to do throughout the week.



Monday - "Team up against drugs!"

Wear your favorite team shirt or jersey.

Action:  Talk to your parents about drugs


Tuesday -"Drugs are ridiculous; turn your back on them!"

Wear your shirt backwards.

Action:  Talk to your friends about ways to say no to drugs


Wednesday-"Sock it to drugs!"

Wear some crazy socks.

Action:  Talk to your teachers about being drug free


Thursday - "Don't let drugs find you!"

Hide your identity with a funky hat.

Action:  Talk to Grandmas, Grandpas, sisters, brothers, or other family members about more ways to say “NO!” to drugs.


Friday - “We are Red-y to take a stand against drugs!"

Wear as much red as possible.

Action:  Commit now to live a drug-free life!


A note from Mrs. Liston,

There is an online program called My Math you can use to help your child at home. You can go to the website Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.  and type the student’s username & password that you can find in the sheet I sent home in Nov. 8, 2013. The My Math online program includes all the lessons that the students are going to learn in the first grade. Now, we are learning Chapter 6 two digit addition & subtraction. If you have any question, please let me know. Thank you for your support.       



Math-Chapter 5 place value (2 sheets)

Chinese- Reviewing lesson 1-13, Lesson 14 reading & writing

Reading- Continue reading 20 minutes daily. For one book, write a summary. Use the words, “In the beginning”, “First”, “Then”, “After that”, “In the end”.


 In class this week, we are going to learn:

Math- Chapter 6 two digit addition & subtraction

Chinese- Lesson 15 her eyes are very big

Science & Social Study-teeth & benefits of physical activity  

Writing- Informative Writing

Language Arts- Syllables,

Reading- Different Genres, Dr. Seuss

Phonics- Sounds oo, “ed” endings

Spelling Words: book, cook, good, food, soon, called, asked, needed, washed, looked


Miss BreAnn Wayman
Alpine Elementary
First Grade

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